Benefits of Membership
401 K Program - Baird
AGC Colorado has teamed up with Baird to make a 401K program available to our members. Members can significantly reduce liability and have their fiduciary responsibility managed, consolidate and potentially reduce plan expenses, and can outsource plan trustee, named fiduciary requirements, fund management and audit (if over 100 employees and required) while getting flexibility in plan design to meet your organization's specific needs. For more information about AGC's Multi Employer 401K Plan, email sellsworth@rwbaird.com.
Health Insurance - Contractors Health Trust
Contractors Health Trust offers a comprehensive and affordable self-insured plan designed for salaried and hourly employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. It is available to AGC members with two or more employees.
Workers' Compensation - Pinnacol Assurance
As a member, you are eligible to apply for the AGC workers' compensation dividend program through Pinnacol Assurance. Eligible participants will receive up to four percent in premium discounts up front. For more information contact Bradley Gassman at bradley@agccolorado.org.
OSHA Chase Safety Partnership Program
The OSHA CHASE Safety Partnership Program is a unique recognition program for companies with excellent safety efforts. Partnering with area OSHA offices in Region 8, AGC offers three levels of participation. For more information contact Bradley Gassman at bradley@agccolorado.org.
Committees & Councils
Did you know AGC has 14 Committees & Councils for members to join? Check them out here and get involved today!
AGC of Colorado has events throughout the year. Check out upcoming events and get registered here!
Training and Education
AGC of Colorado publishes a 30+ page training catalog every other month. Flip through it here and get you and your employees registered for a class here.
AGC of Colorado advocates for the Construction Industry in Colorado! Check out the below links to follow along or get involved!
- Advocacy Action Center
- Advocacy Report – Sign up to receive this every Friday in your email!
- State Bill Tracker
- AGC America Action Center
Safety Services
Services include customized training seminars, onsite visits and consultations, safety program review and development, safety publications, awards programs, and assistance with OSHA inspections. For more information email AGC’s Safety Director, Bradley Gassman.
Member Savings Through National Purchasing Partners
AGC of Colorado Members have access to savings through National Purchasing Partners (NPP)!
Click here to see a full list of discounts for your business needs.
Click here to see a full list of discounts for your team.
Signing up to be a NPP member is free and easy!
1. Visit https://mynpp.com/association/agc-colorado/click START SAVING
2. Select COMPANY SAVINGS and enter your company information
3. Click SUBMIT
You will receive an email to confirm your NPP account so you can start saving today.
Member Savings Through AGC America
As an AGC of Colorado member you are automatically an AGC of America member. You can create a profile on https://www.agc.org/ by clicking ‘Register’ in the upper left corner. This will allow you to access the many resources and benefits AGCA has to offer. Make sure to check out these links:
- AGC of America Member Benefits Landing Page
- Getting Started
- Discount Programs
- Capstone Supporters
- Add employees to your AGCA company profile here
Crisis! – Are You Ready?
Don’t Let 30 Years of Hard Work Get Destroyed in 30 SecondsAGC of Colorado's newest member discount helps protect your hard-earned reputation in a crisis. This new partnership with CrisisDriver gives AGC of Colorado members a 15% discount off of CrisisDriver’s industry-leading incident response and crisis communications solution.
CrisisDriver combines a web-based command center and mobile app that enables contractors to build project-specific response and crisis communications plans to quickly and successfully manage negative events. The CrisisDriver mobile application and web-based administrative portal offers organizations a comprehensive and customized solution for managing all types of incidents. With this tool, you’ll be equipped to properly manage a crisis from beginning to the end while communicating clearly throughout the process.
Interested in learning how CrisisDriver can help protect your company’s reputation? Click here to learn more or schedule a short demo today.
Member Benefits