In honor of National Suicide Prevention week join AGC, HCC, EBECC, CCA, CEPA, RMSCA, ASAC, IECRM, and NUCA as we come together to raise money, support, and awareness for suicide prevention. For the second year in a row, we'll support VitalCog, a local suicide prevention training partner from the Johnson Depression Center at Anschutz Medical Campus.
What's the goal?
To raise funds to support suicide prevention trainings within our industry. The proceeds of this event will cover:
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM MDT
O'Kane Park
7101 W 1st Ave,
Lakewood, CO 80226
Member rate:
$25: Spectate and network
$70: Cornhole team registration
Non-member rate:
$35 Spectate and network
$80 Cornhole team registration
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Event Sponsorship $500
Tournament Sponsor $1,000
Food Truck Sponsor $1,500
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Colorado for more information.
1114 W. 7th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204 – (303) 388-2422 –