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  • Through the Health Links assessment and company rating system, this tool allows an organization to measure their progress towards becoming a healthy workplace by evaluating their safety and health programs. Through goal setting and a one-on-one advising session, organizations can create action plans to become a Certified Healthy Workplace™. Health Links uses a Total Worker Health approach by using evidence-based strategies to improve employee health, safety, and wellbeing.

    • In 2021 AGC began a partnership with Health Links to provide membership discounts on an already reasonable fee structure.  
    • Use Access Code AGCCARES to receive 10% off your Health Links Assessment.
    • Once becoming Health Links Certified, companies will receive consultation, access to the Mental Health Module, and additional tools and resources to provide continual care for their worker’s wellbeing.

    Click here to get started: https://www.healthlinkscertified.org/get-started


    Sample Experience:

    See a Sample Assessment

    Read a Sample Report Card

    Explore a Sample Action Plan


    Additional Information

    Health Links Plans

    Health Links: Assess, Advise. Achieve

  • Health Links